The old cat, named Lunt, wandered all his life until a kind-hearted woman named Emily took him away. According to Emily, when he first met Rat, he was in terrible condition, malnourished, with multiple wounds on his face and fingers, and suffering from a respiratory infection. She quickly took him to the Lakeland Animal Shelter in Florida.
At the animal shelter, Rutter’s wounds will be treated for several weeks until he recovers enough to be moved to a nursing home. So Emily decided to temporarily take in the dwarf and her other pets.
According to Emily, Rat seemed to like his new home with other older pets as his first night was very comfortable and he slept like he had been there a long time.
Emily brought home two orphaned kittens, Dolly and Reese, and Lunt quickly took on the role of parent to them, giving them lots of love.
Whenever Emily brings home orphaned kittens, Lunt becomes their real father. Runt loves them and wants to dedicate his life to rescued kittens and making them feel better and safer.
Emily posts photos of her beloved pets every day because she wants to show people how great animal shelters can be. Look at her!