The cat was friendly and not afraid of people, but no one came to pick him up. “It is difficult for him to adapt to the cold weather. He needs affection. He is not sick, but he will meow and tremble when the weather is too cold.” The finder shouted for help.
For two months, he has been living under a tree stump in a Queens park, covered with aluminum foil. He was a tolerant man to all those who failed him. ”
Volunteers rushed to the park hoping to save the cat. When they arrived, there was no sign of him. He disappeared in search of protection.
When they returned Sunday morning, they saw the tabby cat sitting near a tree branch with its paws folded for warmth.
Despite everything he’s been through, Finnegan still has so much faith in him that he pleads for people to pay attention. He moves closer to the pets, closes his eyes, and becomes one with their hands.
As if ready to leave, Finnegan allowed rescuers to pick him up and place him in a box. He was a little confused by the carrier at first, but he didn’t seem to mind.
After a few weeks in the park, Finnegan began a journey into a life filled with love and comfort. “He was rescued before the expected frost.”
Finnegan’s appetite filled his belly to the brim. He was found intact (will be neutered this week), had no microchip, and the vet estimated he was only 1-2 years old.
He’s happy to have a roof over his head and friendly people to care for his chin.